Sebastian Emery lives in St Petersburg, Fl with his wife and family. By day, he is a technologist and high tech consultant, by night a crafter of fantastical worlds and events.
Born on a snowy day in late 1990, Sebastian Emery was raised in the Twin Cities of Minnesota. As a child, he was a voracious reader, devouring just about everything handed to him, but delighting most in the wild and the speculative. Series like Harry Potter, Animorphs, The Seventh Tower, and Dragon Ball Z making up the early canon. As time went on, Tolkein, Adams, Asimov, and many more were added into rotation. Some of Sebastian’s earliest ideas originate from this time, but “it may be best those are lost.”
In 2009, he occasionally attended the Winona State University where he supposedly studied Computer Science and Mathematics. When not attending classes or annoying the girls on campus, he was making his first real attempt at this writing thing. Though he didn’t graduate, by 2015 he began a career in technology consulting and has worked for a variety of companies in the Twin Cities area and beyond. This didn’t leave him much time for writing, though several short stories and an early novel still survive from this era. This is also around the time he met his wife, Liz, marrying in 2018. They now have two children together.
Sebastian has been writing in fits and starts since he was a kid, but in spite of some attempts in and after college, only recently began to pursue it as a career. His professional career as a technologist and consultant has provided a discipline approach to writing on top of the constant inspiration from travel and exposure to new technologies. He is currently working on his third novel, a standalone epic fantasy story featuring diverse group of characters and their struggle to save a world that was broken long ago.
Follow Sebastian’s blog, BlueSky, or YouTube for the latest information. In-depth information, preview chapters, and more are available on this site. Publicity and media inquiries: requests@sebastianemery.com