Pathways of Constellara Teaser
Hello out there my weary Way-walkers!
If this message has made it to your eyes, ears, tongue or any other sensuous sensory input that tickles your brainstem, find yourself some place to settle in a little while, we’ve got good things coming your way. Thank you for tuning in Constellara, you’re here with Pathwadio.
Come with us for a stroll through the university gardens of Astrent to set the mood. Then we’ll head on over to Ginvaris for dinner at Zarani’s, the sauteed bo-ash nuts are out of that world. Next we dance with the train across Bera. We’ll hit a DUFC-ees on our way out to the edge, try not to lose your head. And don’t worry, before the night is through we’ll catch ourselves a ride back to Astrent with a Star Sage.
Make sure, wherever you are, you have an unobstructed view of the sky; it’s time once again to walk the Pathways of Constellara.
Won’t you explore with us?
“Pathways of Constellara” Episode 1601, First Broadcast 14.03.88085, Pathway Radio Network, Denzore V