Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “blog”
The Process
Writing is hard. Not in the way that manual labor is hard, or even in the way that a puzzle or a level in a video game can be hard. Instead, writing is hard like getting in shape is hard, like therapy is hard, like your job is hard. Sometimes success pours out of you, and others you can’t get even the simplest of results. You get stuck, and making progress might as well be impossible.
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Time Flies
It’s been an eventful few months for me.
I started off the year with a lot of energy and excitement to be writing again. I still am, but I’ve had to delay a lot of the writing for almost the entire past three months. Why? Because life, that’s why. A lot has happened in the past three months.
moved across the country joined an exciting, fast moving project at work officially in toddler mode now Reviewing Spring of Black Flowers was enlightening.
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Old Habits
I did it again.
I started blogging, then dropped off the face of the earth for like… eight weeks. Usually it’s more. Sorry?
I tend to overcommit and stretch myself thin. I have too many priorities, and when I have to chose, I tend to pick my most personal objectives last. I haven’t been writing much fiction since the new year, despite how energized I was by everything going in. A lot of things have been in flux, all of it good.
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What the Tech? Art and Artificial Intelligence
Welcome to What the Tech, a series where we explore and make sense of technologies and trending topics impacting IT, Security, and Business.
Art and Artificial Intelligence Please read this blog post and generate some images to accompany it. Let’s start with a title/Header Image
For a while now, many have been stoking fears of automation and artificial intelligence taking away jobs and ruining things for creatives. Why automate art when there’s other bs we could be automating away?
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2023 Year in Review
Where to begin? What a year 2023 has been. A lot has happened, and I’m excited to catch you all up on everything.
TL;DR: I have had a great year, personally and professionally. Everyone is happy and healthy.
Writing I’m writing again, obviously. I’m excited about it, and it feels really good to be putting “pen” to “paper” so to speak, after a concerted effort this November to try a NaNoWriMo.
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